Collisions-Bird Diverter/ Bird Flight Diverter

Bird Flight Diverter
3 min readDec 5, 2020


The discussion on Collisions/Bird Diverter/Bird Flight Diverter comes from years of rigorous studies by topmost researchers worldwide. Each one of them has different theories and assessments to prove the pros and cons of the said subjects, but Bird Diverter is something which is found very often in all these studies. Before we discuss in details about the bird diverter, we should understand the major cause which is known as collisions.

The process during which any avian species strike with any object/ obstacle with great speed is known as collisions. This can often be seen during the migrating period of avian species or while they perform actions like feeding, roosting, nesting, hunting or saving themselves from predators.

Normally collisions take place due to thin wires of power transmission line which are mostly invisible due to bluish/greyish background of the sky and hence are not easily visible by avian species specifically due to their poor frontal vision and leads to collisions. To resolve the said issue line marking devices are well suggested and elaborated by worldwide researchers. Different kinds of line marking devices have been launched from time to time based on requirement and reassessments like- location, weather conditions, temperature, species, powerline towers (height).

Most endorsed marking devices around the globe are:-

Flappers, Spirals, Marker Balls, Stripers, Bird Diverter, Bird Flight Diverter, Bird Flashers, Led Bird Diverter etc. Out of all the above list Bird diverter stand out, due to its outstanding as well as overwhelming results. Marking power transmission lines with bird flight diverter increases the visibility of avian species and accordingly reduces the number of avian collisions with them.

These bird diverters are mostly found in bright colours like white, red, yellow, orange. which make them easily visible to avian species to avoid obstacles from long distance during their flying path.

The Chronicles

Bird Flight diverter was introduced to enhance the visibility for avian species and other birds and accordingly reducing their risk of collision. Yet differences in efficacy between different types of devices are often recorded.

The ability of these bird diverters in reducing collision risk to avian species may vary from device to device.

Multiple research and observations worldwide affirm that the ratio of avian collisions is marvellously reduced on marked powerlines in comparison to non marked one. Other factors like the kind of powerlines as well type of marking device used significantly affects the ratio of avian mortality.

Bird Markers Mortality Performance Chart

Bird Diverters are the only available marker that has shown outstanding results to non — marked powerlines. Bird flight diverter had shown the highest reduction in mortality ratio. Hence maybe the best of all alternative as compared to other commonly used flight diverters in the market.

Many potential and significant measures have been taken as well as implemented by prominent bird life-saving authorities and associations worldwide to ensure the safety of different avian species.



Bird Flight Diverter
Bird Flight Diverter

Written by Bird Flight Diverter


Bird Flight Diverter is a device to warn birds about presence of power lines and other obstructions in their flying path, thus averts bird collision with power

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